L'écorce quotidienne Mercredi 25 octobre 2023


The library is closed all periods today for testing. We will reopen to all students after school today. 


Are you interested in traveling to Ireland this summer? Then join us on our Irish Adventure, where we'll see and experience first-hand all the beauty the Emerald Isle has to offer. To learn more, join us for our 30-minute Zoom Meeting with your parents and friends on Thursday, Oct 26 at 7pm. To receive a Zoom invite, email Mr. O'Rourke today, or stop by room 268 to grab a flier.


Looking for a fun community service opportunity? Every Wednesday after school, AST pays a visit to the old folks of Cantata Retirement Home. This week, we will be doing Halloween-themed activities! Join us tomorrow at 3:20 in Mr. Beasley's room, you do not need to be a member of AST or sign up ahead of time. Hope to see you there!

AST will be holding our next Student-Led discussion this Friday, October 27th, at 7:20 a.m. in Mr. Beasley's room, We are having an education-focused discussion on anti-semitism. As always, donuts and kindness will be served!

Bulldogs for Life will meet after school today, in Room 131. Fetal models that are the actual size and weight of babies through all stages of pregnancy will be available for viewing.

Félicitations pour avoir terminé le premier trimestre, vous devriez vous faire plaisir ! Achetez un brownie, un cookie ou une friandise aux saveurs automnales lors de la vente de pâtisseries Helping Paws ! La vente aura lieu les 26 et 27 octobre, à tous les déjeuners. Tout est à un dollar, alors passez nous voir et aidez-nous à aider notre communauté !

For girls interested in playing basketball this season, tryouts will be on Monday, October 30th, after school in the Field House, East Gym, and Main Gym. Please reach out to Coach Mack if you have any questions.


Bonjour les Bulldogs ! Girl Up parraine une collecte de baskets de sport avec l'organisation "Got Sneakers ? Veuillez déposer vos vieilles chaussures de sport dans l'Atrium ou dans la salle 117 à partir d'aujourd'hui et jusqu'au 3 novembre. Ils n'acceptent PAS les chaussures non athlétiques telles que les talons, les sandales, les bottes, etc. Les recettes seront reversées à l'organisation Love Purse. Love Purse est une association à but non lucratif dirigée par une femme à Riverside, qui a pour objectif d'aider les victimes d'abus domestiques. Aidez-nous à la soutenir !


Looking to challenge yourself, work on a team to set goals and achieve them, and get in the best shape of your life? Then you belong on the wrestling team. Join us for the Boys and Girls Wrestling Preseason Meeting on Thursday, October 26th at 3:20
