This Friday is Bulldog Blue & White Spirit Day! Please show your school spirit and participate! At the beginning of 6th hour on Friday your teacher should record the number of students wearing Bulldog blue-n-white in the googledoc. The Student Association members will then enter the top two or three 6th hour classes with the highest percentage and reward all students and staff that are participating in Spirit Friday. Then at the end of the semester, one lucky class will get a pizza party!
La politique étrangère vous intéresse ? Venez découvrir comment le RB Model United Nations aborde les questions internationales dans le cadre de simulations de comités de l'ONU. Devenez un meilleur citoyen du monde en vous informant sur l'actualité et en développant vos talents d'orateur. Rejoignez-nous pour notre première réunion générale le mardi 29 août à 7h15 dans la salle 241. Tout le monde est le bienvenu !
Attention to girls interested in joining basketball! There will be a girls' basketball meeting today after school in room 217. Please see Coach Mack or Coach Jarrel if you have any questions.
Are you interested in improving your speaking skills? Speech Team is holding their first meeting in the year today at 3:15pm in the Alumni Lounge. All are welcome!