L'écorce quotidienne Lundi 15 mai 2023


Pour les filles intéressées par le basket-ball, il y aura une réunion avant l'école à 7h45 dans la salle 133 et une réunion après l'école à 15h05 dans la salle 217 le mardi 16 mai. Pour toute question, veuillez vous adresser à l'entraîneur Mack. 

A l'attention de tous ceux qui souhaitent jouer au football à l'automne prochain, il y aura une réunion obligatoire concernant le camp d'été le vendredi 19 mai à 7h15 dans le Petit Théâtre. Si vous avez des questions, veuillez vous adresser à l'entraîneur Styler.

Seniors, if you didn’t get a chance to pick up your cap/gown and graduation tickets yesterday, they are available in the Main Office.

Yearbook Distribution is on Thursday, May 18th in the Field House starting 7th period and after school until 3:45. If you ordered your yearbook, come pick it up on the 18th. Don't know if you ordered one? Check the list in the English hall outside room 265. You can still order yearbooks online at www.jostens.com, but they are almost sold out! Contact Mrs. Marsh or a Rouser staff member with any questions.

Attention seniors!   Your final opportunity to make your mark and participate in the creation of the senior class gift will be Friday, May 19 before school at the Senior Sunrise event. Please be aware that you will be using latex paint for the handprints and should be careful to avoid damage to your clothing.  

Poms Tryouts for the 23-24 Season will be held today and Wednesday, May 17th from 4-6 pm in the East Gym. Scan the QR code on the flyers around the building or online to register. Any questions contact Mrs. Sherman. 

Did you check out any books from RBLibrary this year? Have you returned them? All RBLibrary books must now be returned. Drop them off in the book drop outside the library or at the circulation desk after school. Any fees added to your student account will be waived when overdue books are returned.
