L'écorce quotidienne Vendredi 21 avril 2023


RBHS PTO will be selling Bulldog merchandise today, Friday, April 21st during all lunch periods in the cafeteria. Items will include Senior/Graduate double-sided yard signs and Senior Graduate bulldogs, as well as sports/clubs' decals, magnets and mini bulldogs, among other Bulldog items.  Cash is preferred - checks are also accepted and can be made payable to RBHS PTO.   Credit cards and Apple Pay are accepted.


Did you remember to bring in your Pop Tops?  If not, please drop them off on Monday before school to Ms. Ziola (Room 215) or Mr. Dybas (Room 211).  


And all Student Association members planning to be class officers for next year need to drop off their packets to Ms. Ziola TODAY by 12 pm. 


Fall 2023 Cheer-try-outs will take place next week April 24th and April 26th. If interested, visit the RBHS Cheerleading Instagram Page or the RBHS Athletics page to register. 


Juniors and Seniors- Today is the last day to purchase Prom tickets in the Business Office. All student fees must be paid in order to purchase tickets.

If you are bringing an outside guest, a Guest Pass must be filled out. The transportation waiver is due before April 27th. Both Transportation Waiver and Guest Pass can be found on our website and in the Main Office.


Brookfield Parks and Recreation is hiring camp counselors for the summer day camps.  We are looking for people who enjoy working with children and want to have a fun and active job in the community.
