Applications for educational grants from the Riverside Brookfield Educational Foundation are now being accepted. Students and staff can apply online at RBEF.TV - click on the MENU TAB, then GRANT APPLICATION, and then click on STUDENT or STAFF FORM.
The deadline for applications is Thursday, May 4, 2023. Please see Mr. Monti in room 119 if you have any questions. Best of luck!!
Today is Feel Good Friday, Join us for Blackout Friday - Give up social media for the duration of the school day- The alumni lounge will be open for all students as an alternative lunch location
Attention aux étudiants qui se garent dans le parc du Zoo : c'est votre dernière semaine pour vous y garer. Comme nous avons atteint notre capacité maximale dans le parking des étudiants, nous vous demandons de prévoir un covoiturage, un vélo ou une marche pour vous rendre sur le campus et en revenir après les vacances de printemps.
The lost and found located in Student Services Room 100, will be cleaned out and donated over spring break.
March is Music in our Schools month, and to celebrate, this week we will be featuring recordings of our Rock Band and Studio Music Production students. Happy music in our Schools month to all of the musicians at RB"
Please continue to save your pop tops for the contest in April. Pop Tops help the local Ronald McDonald House.