Écorce quotidienne Jeudi 1er décembre 2022

Ping Pong club after school today at 3:15pm by  Door G. All are welcome.

Hey Bulldogs! Come support the Class of 2026 by purchasing some barbeque today, December 1st, at Beach Avenue BBQ in Brookfield. Invite your loved ones to purchase some tasty food from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. All purchases are appreciated. See you there!

Le jour de la photo de club pour l'annuaire est le lundi 5 décembre. Si vous participez à un club ou à une activité, renseignez-vous auprès du responsable de votre activité pour obtenir plus de détails. L'horaire de la journée est affiché au bureau principal, à l'extérieur de la cafétéria, à l'auditorium et dans la salle 265. Toutes les photos seront prises dans l'auditorium. Veillez à porter le maillot de votre club ou tout autre vêtement de l'esprit RB pour la photo de lundi.

The Student Association Coat & Blanket Drive continues this week!  Please donate your gently used and new coats of all sizes, blankets, gloves, scarves, hats and winter boots.  Donations can be dropped off in any of the wrapped boxes located in the Commons Area, or in one of the following teacher's classrooms - Ms. Mynaugh, Ms. Ziola, Mr. Dybas, Ms. Koehler's or Mr. Forberg.  THANK YOU for helping!!!

It’s that time of year, Bulldogs when we should count our blessings and be thankful for what we have. It is also that time of year to help people in need. The Business Communication Class is holding a clothes donation for the National Child Cancer Society and is asking all students and teachers to donate their shorts, shirts, Jeans, gloves, and Jackets at the donation boxes in the Atrium, by Door A and by Entrance G.
