L'écorce quotidienne Vendredi 14 octobre 2022


Avez-vous des points HERO ? Si c'est le cas, préparez-vous pour la prochaine journée d'échange de points HERO qui aura lieu mercredi prochain, le 19 octobre, pendant toutes les périodes de repas. Au cours de cette journée, les élèves pourront échanger leurs points actuels contre des bonbons, des t-shirts, des glaces et bien plus encore ! Si vous êtes curieux de savoir combien de points vous avez actuellement, veuillez consulter votre compte e-mail étudiant plus tard dans la journée pour obtenir les instructions de connexion.


Attention dessert lovers, the girls cross country team will be having a bake sale on Monday & Tuesday. Good luck to the both cross country teams at the conference championship tomorrow


Attention all dancers looking to participate in the 2022-2023 Orchesis dance company, or to audition for the Repertory Dance Ensemble for next school year. Auditions for both will take place on October 26th after school in the dance studio from 3:30-5:00. Please see Ms. Dall with any questions.


The 2022 competition dance team tryouts are coming up on October 24th for both Varsity and JV after school in the East gym from 3:15-5:00. An optional informational meeting and open gym will be held next Monday the 17th in the East gym to answer any questions. If you are interested in attending the tryout, you must be registered on 8to18 through RBs athletic website prior to the tryout. Please see Ms. Dall with any questions.


Yearbook picture retakes day for freshmen, sophomores, and juniors is Tuesday, October 18th in the Alumni Lounge. Photographers will be here until 3:30. This is your last chance to be photographed for the yearbook. Please see Mrs. Marsh with any questions.


In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month Girl Up will be having a "Day Before Sweetest Day" Candygram during all lunches today. All proceeds will go towards making care baskets for breast cancer patients. We hope you can help support our cause.


Si vous cherchez un endroit calme après l'école pour faire vos devoirs, inscrivez-vous à Homework Hangout. Le formulaire d'inscription se trouve sur le site Web de RB, sous l'onglet Élèves. Homework Hangout sera ouvert de 15h05 à 16h, mais vous devez vous inscrire pour y participer.
