L'écorce quotidienne Jeudi 13 octobre 2022


Jump into learning cybersecurity with hands-on experience through the training game Cyberstart America and compete to win National Cyber scholarships with the RBHS Cybersecurity Club! Contact Mr. Bonarigo or Mrs. Mauritzen for more information. No experience needed!


Attention all dancers looking to participate in the 2022-2023 Orchesis dance company, or to audition for the Repertory Dance Ensemble for next school year. Auditions for both will take place on October 26th after school in the dance studio from 3:30-5:00. Please see Ms. Dall with any questions.


The 2022 competition dance team tryouts are coming up on October 24th for both Varsity and JV after school in the East gym from 3:15-5:00. An optional informational meeting and open gym will be held next Monday the 17th in the East gym to answer any questions. If you are interested in attending the tryout, you must be registered on 8to18 through RBs athletic website prior to the tryout. Please see Ms. Dall with any questions.


Yearbook picture retakes day for freshmen, sophomores, and juniors is Tuesday, October 18th in the Alumni Lounge. Photographers will be here until 3:30. This is your last chance to be photographed for the yearbook. Please see Mrs. Marsh with any questions.


En l'honneur du mois de sensibilisation au cancer du sein, Girl Up organisera un programme de bonbons "Day Before Sweetest Day" pendant tous les déjeuners de ce vendredi. Tous les bénéfices serviront à confectionner des paniers de soins pour les patientes atteintes du cancer du sein. Nous espérons que vous pourrez nous aider à soutenir notre cause.


Si vous cherchez un endroit calme après l'école pour faire vos devoirs, inscrivez-vous à Homework Hangout. Le formulaire d'inscription se trouve sur le site Web de RB, sous l'onglet Élèves. Homework Hangout sera ouvert de 15h05 à 16h, mais vous devez vous inscrire pour y participer.
