Girl Up and AST are hosting a donation drive for Sarah's Inn, an organization that provides services to adults and children who are impacted by domestic violence. Some of the items we are collecting include: non-perishable food items, hygiene and toiletry items, paper products, cleaning items, and Pull-Ups and wipes. You can drop off items in the box in the Atrium or in Room 117. Girl Up is also having an Instagram scavenger hunt competition, which will award a prize to one winner at the end of the month. Follow us at "girluprbhs" on Instagram for daily challenges."
La collecte de nourriture a commencé et se poursuit jusqu'au vendredi 18 mars. Tous les dons peuvent être déposés dans le Commons Area avant l'école ou remis à Mme Ziola (salle 215) ou Mme Koehler (salle 114). Merci de penser à redonner à notre communauté voisine de Berwyn. Tous les dons sont les bienvenus !