Boys tennis will have an informational meeting in room 110 after school today at 3:20pm. All are welcome.
Avez-vous conservé vos POP TOPS ? Si ce n'est pas le cas, commencez à les conserver dès maintenant ! L'association des étudiants organisera un concours POP TOPS au printemps. Toutes les boules POP que nous collecterons serviront à aider le Manoir Ronald McDonald près de l'hôpital Loyola. Alors, s'il vous plaît, POP les TOPS et conservez-les, merci !
Boys water polo preseason meeting today after school at the pool balcony.
Do you like to sing? Are you interested in joining choir next year? Auditions for choir will take place this week. Stop by the choir room or email Ms. Smetana at [email protected] for more information.
This Friday morning at 7:20, AST will be hosting their January discussion on what mental health looks like inside and outside the RB community.. Stop by room 234… all are welcome. As always, donuts and kindness will be served.