L'écorce quotidienne Mercredi 22 septembre 2021



Interested in community service?  Today, AST is finally returning to Cantata, the local senior community.  There, we will be playing games and getting reacquainted with our neighbors.  If you are interested in joining us today, or any future Wednesday, come to Room 234 by 3:15 and we will drive you over.   Remember to bring proof of vaccination on your phone, as this is required to visit the senior center.


FCCLA est un club qui aide à développer des compétences professionnelles et de leadership. Les élèves peuvent concourir dans une variété d'activités, y compris la décoration de gâteaux, la décoration d'intérieur, la mode, la production alimentaire et l'art oratoire. Notre première réunion aura lieu aujourd'hui à 15h15 dans la salle 158 de Mme Farlee. 


Want to win a Blackhawks jersey?! The RB Color Guard will be raffling off a signed jersey by Blackhawks legendary Hall of Famer, Bobby Hull, at the Homecoming game. Stop by the table near the concession stand to purchase tickets. Tickets will be 1/$3, 2/$5, and 5/$10.


Good morning Sports fans ~ you look ready for some competitions!  We hope your 2nd hour teachers count all the participants TODAY and enter the total on the google doc!  Tomorrow is COLOR day - Seniors are wearing Black, Juniors Purple, Sophomores red, Freshmen green & staff in pink.  Today before school SA collected MORE money for penny pinch.  If you missed it, we will be back after school TODAY and again before and after school the rest of the week! ALL money collected will be donated to Fiona!

Now we ask all students to take a moment to VOTE for the Homecoming King & Queen.  The google form has been emailed to each of you and should be in ALL students RB in-box.  This should only take a minute of your time.  If you are unsure who to choose, there is a brief description of each Court member’s involvement at RB.  Thank you!  


Attention Seniors: Jostens will be at school on Friday, September 24th for cap, gown and graduation orders during lunch periods, in the cafeteria.

Also, on this day students may come for class ring measurements and orders. Please remember your order form and $100 down payment. You may design your ring and print your order form at www.jostens.com.