Attention aux juniors :
Congratulations on completing your practice SAT test. Individual score reports are available in Mrs. Watson's room. Reviewing your mistakes with your test booklet is a terrific way to grow your score for the next test. Stop by Room 246 after school this week to get your scores back and see what you can improve upon before the next practice test in February and the real test in April. Also, if you forgot your testing booklet, you can pick up your copy in 246.
The first Anime Club meeting of the year will be on Friday at 3:15 in room 130. Everyone is welcome!
Amateurs de cinéma ! Venez nous rejoindre ce vendredi après l'école dans la salle 261 pour discuter de films et planifier nos événements pour l'année.
"Are you interested in joining a movement to advance girls' skills, rights, and opportunities to be leaders? To learn more, please join Girl Up for an informational meeting this Friday, September 3rd at 7:15 am in Room 117. Everyone is welcome."
For anyone that is interested in wrestling this year and not playing a fall sport, we will begin preseason workouts on Tuesday, September 7th. Meet in the wrestling room at 3:20pm to start. If you have any questions, please see Coach Curby in Rm. 216.
Come join the Hip Hop Club tuesdays and thursdays in Room 134 from 3:15-4:15pm. Everyone is welcome.
Spanish Club will be having its first meeting of the year this Friday, September 03rd at 7:30AM in Mr. Tinoco's room 207. All students are welcome to join the club, even if you are not taking a Spanish class.
Mamma Mia ! Plus tard dans le mois, la semaine de l'esprit du Homecoming commencera le lundi 20 septembre. Chaque jour aura un thème et à la fin de la semaine, le vendredi 24 septembre, toute l'école fêtera ensemble la fin de la journée scolaire lors du Pep Rally dans le stade. La danse se déroulera également à l'extérieur, dans le stade, le samedi 25 septembre, de 19 h à 22 h. Tous les élèves de RB sont invités à y participer. Tous les élèves de l'école sont invités à y participer ! Restez à l'écoute pour plus d'informations dans un futur proche !