"All RB library books are due back this week. Please return any books you may have from RBLibrary to the dropbox in the atrium or in the library. No fines will be charged for any books that are returned, even ones that were checked out last year. If you have any questions, please email the RBLibrary staff at [email protected]."
En l'honneur du mois de la sensibilisation à la santé mentale, l'équipe de travail social/psychiatrique a organisé une semaine de l'esprit du mardi 18 au vendredi 21 mai. Nous aimerions encourager tous les étudiants et le personnel à participer et à faire connaître cette cause.
Tuesday, May 18th: Twin Tuesday: Team up against stress! Dress up like a friend because you are not alone
Wednesday, May 19th: Wear Green Wednesday: Wear green for Mental health awareness. Green represents the green light to reach out for help if needed
Thursday, May 20th: Tie Dye Thursday: Colors can represent a wide range of emotions. It’s okay to express them
Friday, May 21st: Spirit wear or You matter Friday: Wear your spirit wear to show support for our Bulldog family