Minority Empowerment Club will be sponsoring a Diaper/Feminine Product Drive starting November 5th and continuing until Dec 5th.  Donations can be dropped off in a box in the Main entrance (Door A) or in a box outside of Room 238.  If you have donations and can not get them to RB please contact Mrs. Lojas at [email protected] for a pickup.  Donations will be given to local shelters. 

Are you interested in eSports? RB is looking for competitive players of Overwatch, Rocket League, League of Legends and Fortnite to start our own eSports team. We will compete against other schools in Illinois and around the country! Get your friends together and reach out to Mr. Schaedel for more details. ([email protected])

L'Association des étudiants se réunit ce mercredi 18 novembre à 7h20 sur ZOOM. Suivez S.A. sur Instagram ou envoyez un courriel à Mme Ziola ou Mme Koehler pour obtenir le lien ZOOM. 


RB a rédigé des cartes de vœux pour les troupes. Tout le monde est invité à participer. Vous pouvez fabriquer ou utiliser vos propres cartes ou en prendre dans la salle commune, ou encore les déposer dans la boîte étiquetée "Cartes de vœux pour les troupes". Toute question peut être adressée à Mme Mynaugh, Mme Ziola ou Mme Koehler.


Attention Bulldog Families:  Listed below is the registration link for 2020-2021 winter sports season.  Please note, Riverside Brookfield High School District 208 will not be opening registration for Boys & Girls Basketball until further guidance has been provided by the IHSA and IDPH.  We will provide updated information as it becomes available.

http://http:// http://https://rbhs.8to18.com/accounts/login

Thank you & Go Bulldogs!
